Sit In It Anyway

I told you this will be the first time I vote in a Presidential election.

I have proof.



While that little sticker may not mean much to many. But to me it means alot. I have done my civic duty. I have joined the ranks of millions. I am now a full fledged American.

I voted.

And I took a picture of my little sticker for posterity. Yes, I am bragging. I have that right.



I’m done now.

On another note…

Look what was delivered to my house today…


Lawn furniture hardware!!!


Eleven weeks after the purchase date.

And if I can get the furniture put together this weekend, we might still just have a little time to sit in it, in the yard, before I put it away for the winter.

If not, I’ll have a bonfire and sit in it anyway.

Wanna join me?