Three More Joined The Party

We have a farm.

Atleast, I thought we did, until I realized we can’t have a farm without having chickens.

We don’t have chickens.


Oh, occasionally, we’ll have a flock of guineas or turkeys show up here on the farm. But no chickens.

I’ve wanted chickens for a long time. But we don’t have a barn to keep them in.

So we need a barn and chickens to have a farm. Right?

Then I met someone who has a chicken house and no chickens. Not a barn. Just a chicken house. They gave away their chickens.

They told me I could have the chicken house. Just come and get it. They promised to keep it till I could make arrangements to come and get it.

Then I met some real friendly folks who offered to sell me some of their chickens. The folks who own the Pumpkin Patch I showed you last month.

We’ve picked out a spot for the chicken house.


So now I ask you…

If I get a chicken house and put it in the spot we’ve picked out. Build a chicken yard. Buy some chickens and turn them loose in there to strut their stuff.

Will I then, have a farm?

Or must I still have a barn?

We have plenty of little sheds.

The garden shed.

The trailer shed.

The tractor shed.

Do I still need a barn to have the right to call it a farm?


Since we are on the subject of chickens…

Did you read my post about when I was attacked by an angry rooster?

Or when I came across a chicken in the road?

The Captain and I were standing outside the other day discussing the chicken house thing. I noticed three buzzards circling just above where I plan to put the chicken house. While I was standing there wondering why they were circling…

three more joined the party.

Eventually, they moved along and began circling other spots. You know they’re really not that ugly when you see them in the sky. Kinda quiet and graceful.

I’m just wondering if that was an omen.

You know, circling directly above where I plan to put the chicken house.

Should I decide on another spot?

Or stay with the same spot, since they’ve already checked it out and didn’t find anything?

Either way, I’m gonna have chickens soon.

I can’t wait!