Getting Caught Up

Just in case you have been wondering where I have been. Normally, I’m on the computer, writing posts, downloading pictures, reading and commenting at your place and replying to all your comments.

Most of that I am still there for. But some of it I have become a little slack with. We’ve had some technical issues with computers lately that we are finally getting under control.

Everyone has been using my computer….which limits the time I have access to it.

You know…..we each have things we do on the computer everyday. Catch up on the news, check the weather and email, waste time on Facebook and Farmtown.

Yes, my husband and son have become addicted to Farmtown, too. And for those of you who are my neighbors in Farmtown, you have probably noticed that I haven’t been plowing, planting and harvesting on a regular basis. Now you know why.

No sooner than I get on the computer, someone is asking how long I will be. Or we can all be watching a favorite show on tv and at the end I’ll get up to do something, and someone with ask if I’m going to get on the computer. Kinda kills the desire to snoop around blogland when I’m being rushed. So I say no and clean the kitchen or fold laundry or stare off into space.


the kid’s computer is fixed and The Captain is working.

And I’m gonna be working frantically to get myself caught up.