Monday Report – Week 4

This weeks Monday report is a little different.

It’s a special post for me.

You see, my Dad always grew a garden. He was so proud of his harvests.

We were always trading tips and ideas. One year, for Father’s Day, I presented him with a watering wand, like this one…


He was amazed. His words were, “That thing is the trick!” That made me giggle.

He usually planted by the sign of the moon. One year I planted by the sign and he didn’t.

He said, “Well, you planted in the sign and I planted in the dirt. We’ll see what happens.” Made me giggle, too.

His garden was always more productive than mine. One because his soil was better and two because being retired he had more time to work with it.

But these seeds here…


and here….(my Dad’s handwriting)


Are seeds from one of my Dad’s gardens. He let the fruit go to seed, then dried the seeds and carefully placed them in this envelope and gave them to me.

I’ve had them tucked safely away until the time came that I could plant them and look after them, so I could continue saving seeds from his garden.

I don’t know the original origin of the seeds, but I know they came from plants my Dad nurtured.

And they are special to me.

I hadn’t told you about them before, because they are several years old and I wasn’t sure they would germinate.

But they have….

In this picture are sprouts from the seeds of my Dad’s cantelope harvest.


I remember one day my brother brought cantelope to me from Dad’s garden. It was the sweetest cantelope I think I’ve ever eaten. The seeds are from his harvest that year.

And in this picture are watermelon sprouts from his saved seeds.


I cried when I seen each of them coming through the soil, pushing their way toward the sun.

No, I won’t see my Dad again until I get to Heaven and get to work in God’s garden.

But I can carry on his memory with the seeds he saved for me.

And hopefully, atleast one of my kids will carry on his memory in their garden.

Do you have seeds that have been passed down from generations before you?