Think Twice Before You Answer


If you are reading this with children present, it may bring about questions you are not ready to answer.

Just wanted to caution you before you read.

I don’t normally post something of this nature, but……….well, you’ll understand.

Read on.

One day last week I had to make a trip over to the school to take a test.

The class is online, but I must go to the school to take tests.


Well, so they can monitor your every move and make certain that you don’t have the opportunity to cheat.


 You are not allowed to take anything personal inside the test room with you.

They have a wall of cute little lockers to put your things in and take the key with you.

That, a pencil and the test ARE all you are allowed to take into the room with you.

Like I would cheat!


But some, I guess, do.

Okay, I’ll stop chasing rabbits now. Back to the subject!

Just as I pulled into the school parking lot, my cell phone rang.

Hmmmm, private number?

Normally, I would not answer that. But with my brother in the hospital and me being his only family contact, I thought it could possibly be a Dr. calling.

That would explain, “private number”. After all, if I were a Dr., I wouldn’t want people knowing my personal number. That is, if I were calling from a personal number.

So I answer. I hear a muffled male voice say, “Whatcha doin’?”

Not really recognizing the voice, I say, “Nothin’, whatchoo doin’?”

All the while trying to recognize the deep male voice of this person on my phone.

He says back to me one single word, that I couldn’t really comprehend. I thought I understood, but not sure.

The voice sounded kinda familiar, but I wasn’t sure.

Remember, I drive a diesel truck. It’s loud, (I had the window partially down) and the voice I was hearing was not very loud.

I roll the window up and say, “Excuse me?” And shut the truck off.

A little louder, this male voice on the other end says, “Masturbatin””.


Alrighty, then!

Thanks for sharing that info, weirdo idiot, whoever you are.

I said, “Well, have fun!”


I mean really!

 Why did he feel the need to share that with me; a total stranger?

With the truck off and the window up I could hear the voice loud and clear.

No, it was not someone I know.

And I don’t think I know anyone who would like to share that personal information with me or anyone else.

Nor, do I think I’ve ever met anyone who would.

There are some strange people in this world!

What goes through someone’s mind just before they hit the call button.

“Oh, I’m having so much fun here, I just need to share it with someone!???????”


“This feels so good I can’t possibly be alone. I have to call someone, just so I can hear a voice.”


What are they thinking?????

So, let this be a warning to you.

If you get a call on your cell phone that shows up “private number”…..

Think twice before you answer it!

It just might be that weirdo idiot that called me last week.


Seriously, I could not make this kind of stuff up! And why does it happen to me?!