I Want A Train

Sunday before last, we were asked to help crew for Eagles Wings Hot Air Balloon. A tethered event at a local church for their Fall Festival.

A tethered balloon ride means they hook straps to the balloons and to vehicles, allowing it to only go straight up and back down.

We have a lot of fun doing this.

They had plentyof help so I got to take lots of pictures.

I give copies of the pictures to the balloon owners so they can share them with the people who took the rides.

Boo decided to ride this time with two of his friends that had not been on a hot air balloon ride.

That’s him, grinnin’ at his Momma taking pictures. Which is a first. He usually hides from the camera, which causes me to get a lot of “hand” pictures.

The balloon rides lasted from 3pm until dark.

I’m always trying to get a good night shot when the balloon is lit up from the propane burner.

I haven’t gotten what I consider, the perfect shot. But I did like these.

The church had lots of fun things for the kids to do. Those humongous blow up slides and things.

Hot dogs, cocoa, water, popcorn and other food was available.

They had a bonfire, hayrides and games. All sorts of fun!

This was one of my favorites……

It was plastic barrels that this older gentleman had cut out, added seats and axles. Hooked them together and made a train to pull behind his John Deere lawnmower.

It’s hard to see in that picture but he had striped bibbed overhauls on, with a conductors hat. And he had a whistle that he blew for the train whistle sound.

The kids loved it.

I told The Captain I want him to make me one for the farm. My Grandkids would love riding in a train when they come to visit.

If I keep adding to his “HONEY-DO” list, he’ll never get it all done.

As the sun went down I took off my sunglasses and as I was putting them away I caught this reflection.

I know the people standing in line were wondering why in the heck I was taking pictures of my sunglasses.

But that’s just me. An ameteur photographer. I’ll take a picture of almost anything.

Reflecting back on that day. We had a great time.

As did most everyone there.

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