Move-in Ready

I’ve had birdhouses on my mind lately. Actually, these plans have been in my mind for a long while and I finally got myself outside and put those plans into action.

I’ve had an old mailbox lying around outside and I knew I was keeping it for something but I just didn’t know what. For the longest time I forbid myself to use it for anything because my son used it in his outside play area for a garage.

But now that he’s grown and in need of a much larger garage I am free to do what I please with the old mailbox. And I think that a little bird family will be very happy with it come spring. Don’t you?


Also, this old teapot has been around a long time. A friend gave it to me as a wedding gift years ago. That friend passed away several years ago and I just can’t seem to part with it. Once it was unusable in the kitchen it became a flower pot. Then the rust made it not very appealing as a flower pot. I don’t think the birds will mind a little rust on their new home this spring. They might even think it adds a little character.


My Captain and Boo helped me get these put up over the weekend. I know it will be awhile before spring gets here, but I wanted them up before spring arrived in hopes that little bird families will find them just perfect and move right in.

I love reusing things so they are not thrown in a dump somewhere wasting away. A what better way to use them than for birdhouses?

What kind of unusual things have you repurposed into a birdhouse? You never know you might give me an idea for something else I have lying around outside that I just can’t seem to part with.

Happy Monday!


2013 Backyard Series 1

Over the weekend outside my back door I noticed this hawk sitting on a fence post.


He has inhabited the farm for several years and I have tried numerous times to snap a picture of him.

If you’ve been visiting here long then you know that I love to watch the birds go about their day here.


Hunting for food from atop their perch, then swooping down in hopes of catching their next meal. And after a failed attempt, he returns to his post to begin the hunting process again.


I don’t know what kind of hawk this is. Do you?

Still, I am fascinated with their patience and envious of their freedom to fly high where their heart desires.

Happy Wednesday!


Better Late

than never. The new year came in and I didn’t wish you a Happy New Year.  So I’m saying it now…..


We here at Twisted Fencepost wish for each and every one of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

There are just not enough hours in the day to accomplish what I set out to do.  And throw the holidays in the mix and even though I have been running full steam ahead I also run out of steam when the moon is on the rise.

I have just recently realized something about myself. And that something is that I am not content unless I am creating something atleast once a week. Whether it be a new recipe that I try or a new craft project that I have conjured up in my head. And the latter won’t let me rest until I have atleast attempted to begin creating.

Over the holidays I came up with an idea for an old coffee table that I had refused to dispose of. I knew in the back of my head that one day I would have a use for it, if only for a plant stand. I have been seeing all over the web this new stuff they call chalkboard paint. At first I was skeptical, thinking that it would not work as well as a real chalkboard and just be a big mess. Still I was intrigued and finally quit fighting my skepticism and jumped in with both feet. I appologize for forgetting to snap a few pics before I started, but here is the table after cleaning, sanding and painting.


It’s really a cute little table. I love the carving in the wood. And I may later go back and touch it up a bit to highlight the carving.


I finished this before Christmas hoping that while the little ones were here they would enjoy writing and re-writing. And they did. But I have also enjoyed writing and re-writing on it. Who knew?!


In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I created a chalkboard of my own out of an old cutting board that had a crack in it.


I have a feeling you’ll be seeing more of that in the coming year.

So tell me, do you feel the same as I about not being content unless you are creating?

Did you create anything extra special over the holidays?

I’d love to hear about it!

Happy Sunday!