2012 Backyard 7

The sky is one of my favorite things to photograph. But there has to be something interesting to focus on.

Like rainbows…..

Especially when they’re in my backyard.

And storm clouds…..

But when they look like that and they are in my backyard it makes me uneasy.

Happy Wednesday!


A New Hiding Place

I haven’t taken many pictures lately. And anyone who knows me knows that’s an odd thing for me. But I have taken a few pictures of things to share with you.

This is what they do with lost earrings at the college I’m attending.

It’s a live tree in a big flower pot that sets in one of the walkways inside the building. I thought it was a neat idea.

And one day while driving I couldn’t get over how beautiful the clouds were in the sky. So you know I had to take a picture or 20.

This is over a local cotton field after it had been harvested.

And this is traveling along the interstate.

You know that school has been out for my son and I during the holidays. The Captain always takes vacation from work during this time also. So I have been rather preoccupied for the last couple of weeks.

While he is on vacation we always pick out a big project that we would like to complete while we have the free time to spend on it.

Do you remember this picture of our shed we painted?

Which by the way is still only painted on the front.


Here is what the back side looks like now and is one reason for my absense here.

We do not have a barn here on the farm, although one day we hope to build one. So my horses have not had a decent shelter to hide in during the cold winter months. They do have the wooded part of the farm to go to. But it has been a burden on my heart every year as winter sets in.

This year we were determined to get this built before winter. We didn’t make the first snow fall of the year. But we did beat the first cold rain.

Over the years we have collected building supplies from one place or another. And it is what we used to get this under roof. The only cost was our time and a $15 box of nails.

Now the only problem is that the horses are so accustomed to hiding in the woods that they don’t realize they can hide in there.

It is located in the field that we opened up to them over the summer. They know it’s there.  When we finished, we opened the gate back up and let them explore. They weren’t impressed.

You know what they say…

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.


Hopefully, they will figure out they have a new hiding place soon and I can get some pictures of them……




Saturday Snippets

Here are a few random pictures for this week’s Saturday Snippets.

Some are taken with my phone, others are not.

At our local Flying J, that has now been sold to Pilot and is in the process of renovations including the restaurant within, there are these elephant ear plants growing outside. The picture was taken with my cell phone and the lighting wasn’t exactly the greatest, but you can see the ears.

They are huge! I love elephant ears and have tried unsuccessfully several times to grow them here on the farm.

One weekend a couple of weeks ago we recieved quite a bit of rain.

You can’t tell it now. It’s bone dry again.

But a visit to our local home improvement store also showed proof that the rain had visited.

The day after the rain moved on, the sky seemed to still threaten us with downpours that never came.

And for the last random shot…

my daughter sent this picture to me via text message, asking if I knew what this flower is.

It grows wild outside her house and was blooming in August.

I don’t know what it is.

Do you?