Picture Me(me)

Two of my Fencepost Teammates tagged me for a photo meme.

And you all know that my about my recent computer change out.

I haven’t quite gotten all the pictures in order yet.

I’ll share with you a couple of pictures.

Stacey at Stacey’s Treasures tagged me first, so I’ll show you a picture that I chose according to her instructions.

Sixth picture in sixth folder.


This picture has been on my blog before. It is the rainbow that landed in my pasture on the day of my Dad’s funeral.

You can read the full story here.

And later in the day, The Fishing Guy, tagged me with the same meme, but this time it is to be from the fifth picture in the fifth folder. But that folder is empty.

So I chose another picture.


This picture was taken at the Saint Louis Zoo a couple of years ago. I have also posted about our visit to that zoo.

You can read more about that here.

Thanks, Stacey and Fishing Guy for inviting me to play along.

8 comments on “Picture Me(me)

  1. I guess I’m going to have to read the hot air balloon story, but I’m thinking that was some kind of a sign sent to you from your dad, how cool! Neat pictures!

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