What Makes Me Smile, part XI


Not just any doughnuts.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Hot from the fryers.

Drenched in pure sugar.

This is a “must” when we go to Charleston.

Just a few miles from the campground is a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop. And we know about what time they “light up” the sign.

We lay down the card game we’re playing, jump in the truck and indulge in hot doughnuts and cold milk.

We just can’t help ourselves. They are sinfully delicious.

Notice my Mother-in-law showing off her milk mustache!

The first night in Charleston, you know we had to make a doughnut run!

My FIL made a wrong turn which put us behind schedule. We arrived just before they turned off the sign.

It’s a good thing we made it in time. I had been waiting a year for those sinful delights and I made it perfectly clear that I would be more than a little unhappy about missing the hot doughnuts.

I knew there was always tomorrow, but I would have been cranky from not getting any sleep, waiting for them to light up that sign again.

It’s a good thing there’s not a Krispy Kreme Shop near my house!

What’s making you smile this week?

Related Posts

Things That Make Me Smile

Makes Me Smile, part II

Makes Me Smile, part III

Makes Me Smile, part IV

Makes Me Smile, part V

Makes Me Smile, part VI

Makes Me Smile, part VII

Makes Me Smile, part VIII

Makes Me Smile, part IX

 Makes Me Smile, part X

6 comments on “What Makes Me Smile, part XI

  1. Oh, Dear Lord, be still my beating heart. I LOVE Krispy Kreme! I’d weigh a good 5000 pounds if I lived near one. One advantage to being in the boondocks and cornfields, I guess. ;0)

  2. There is nothing in the world like Krispy Kreme!

    Making me smile this week? Hmmm… well, it sure isn’t the heat!!

  3. Cute milk moustache! Glad you didn’t have to be crabby. Everyone else was probably glad, too. I know if it would have been ME, everyone else would have made sure I didn’t get crabby!

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